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All about ME!!!!!

Writer's picture: ToothtravlinghygienistToothtravlinghygienist

Hey! My name is Astrida also known as the tooth traveling hygienist! I have been in the dental field for 12 years. I always knew i wanted to be a dental hygienist! I really have no reason why, no one in my family was in dentistry i just always loved the dentist and found it very interesting. I remember in the 5th grade we made quilt pieces and you were supposed to put on there what you wanted to be when you grew up. All the other kids were painting pictures of fire fighters and ballerinas and doctors, i was painting a picture of the tooth fairy. My obsession with teeth just evolved over time! By the time i was a senior in high school i knew exactly what my plans were for college, apply to dental hygiene school. Unfortunately i was told my freshmen year by my guidance counselor that i was not smart enough to go to hygiene school and that i should talk to her again my senior year to see if i still wanted to be a dental hygienist ( that's a whole different blog post ill post about one day on the struggles and my triumph to finally becoming a dental hygienist) Senior year rolled around and i met with my counselor again and she asked me what i wanted to be i told her a dental hygienist. She laughed and told me to try co op just to make sure that i still wanted to choose that career. So my start in the world of dentistry began at just a 17 year old girl with a dream to become a dental hygienist and the rest is history!

Since starting at seventeen in the dental field i have experienced a lot! I was a dental assistant an orthodontist assistant and finally a dental hygienist. I have worked all over Pennsylvania and Northern Virginia through my dental career. However i never found the perfect fit for me for a dental office to stay at. This helped me find my love for being a guest hygienist in offices! Its not for everyone and you definitely need to be able to go with the flow but it is where my passion and heart is.

My heart is also with my family. I have an amazing Uruguayan husband who i have been married to for five years now and a beautiful three year old daughter. I have 2 beagles named Nico and Ella. When I am not slaying plaque during the day i am pretty much always with my family going on adventures together!

I'm sure you will learn and hear more about me as i blog more and more! I am so excited for this journey into blogging!

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